Teachers Who Pray

Teachers Who Pray: Weekly Pray Call For New Teachers, Teachers Filling Vacancies, New Schedules And New Students

Teachers Who Pray | Prayer For New Teachers


Prayer is necessary in all seasons; and nothing is more proper than to call upon the Lord. No matter what distress we are in, there’s nothing to be afraid of as long as we pray and rely on God. Recalling that Daniel was cast into the lion’s den and that his three friends were thrown into the burning fiery furnace, they all came out safe and sound for God was with them. As long as we rely on God in distress, the Lord will show authority and power to us.

Using the Adoration Confession Thanksgiving Supplication (ACTS) Prayer Model, this week’s Supplication prayer will focus on new teachers, teachers filling vacancies, new schedules and new students. Join us and together let us give praise to the Lord for giving us this daily opportunity to serve and ask His grace to give us the tools to be able to serve better!

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Teachers Who Pray: Weekly Pray Call For New Teachers, Teachers Filling Vacancies, New Schedules And New Students

Prayer Of Adoration

Let’s begin with our Prayer of Adoration. Our Father, who art in heaven, holy is your name. A thousand generations will fall down and worship to sing the song of ages to you, our Lamb. Your name is the highest. Your name is the greatest. Your name stands above them all. Your name is over all thrones and all dominions, all powers, and positions. Your name, Jesus, stands above them all.

We glorify you mighty God and we will sing with the angels and all creation and all the saints who have gone before us. Holy, you are holy. Holy forever. Lord, you are lifted high. Hear our hearts now, Father. We agree and together pray. You are our God. You are our refuge. You are our strength. For when we are weak, you are strong. Our Father, hear our hearts. We say, “You are mighty to save.”

There is none other like you, O Lord. You are immutable, sovereign, and perfect. Lord, you see into each of our classrooms and into each of our students’ hearts. You know every challenge they face and you care for each of them because you are pure love. Oh God, your plans are the best. Your ways are without error. Your character is flawless. Your strength is unmatched. Mighty God, your grace is all we need. We adore you, Lord Jesus, and we love you because you are God. Holy, holy, holy. Amen.

Prayer Of Confession

Prayer of confession. Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you to confess our sins to each other and to pray for each other so that we may be healed. Your word tells us that the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective. We acknowledge our sins to you because you are faithful and just and you will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. Your word tells us that when we conceal our sins, we do not prosper, but when we do confess and renounce our sins, we find mercy.

When we become aware that we are guilty of missing the mark, we must confess in what ways we have sinned. Father, we confess these areas of sinned. We pray that you forgive us and help us repent of the times we have murmured and complained. Father, help us catch ourselves when we are grumbling, even if it’s internally in our minds and help us be grateful to see the blessing that is right there in that moment.

Help us appreciate your many blessings and the opportunities you give us each day to magnify your name. We pray that you forgive us and help us repent of being stressed out, anxious, or worried about a lesson that flopped, a parent who is upset, a child who craves negative attention, the lack of supplies, a very long to-do list, glitchy technology. Help us remember to cry out to you. You can show us how to do a better job with lessons.

You can give us the exact words that a parent needs to hear. You can show us how to love the needy child. You can show us how to be creative and figure out how to make do without supplies. You can miraculously have other people come. items on our to-do list. You can make technology start working. We pray that you forgive us and help us repent of the times we choose to compare ourselves to others.

We pray that you help us see that making comparisons can cause us to fall into the sin of pride as we think that we are better than others or it can cause us to fall into the trap of being jealous, envious, or covetous. We pray that you forgive us and help us repent of neglecting to pray for the children and adults around us who are hurting.

Help us recognize that so many of the behaviors that are antisocial and harmful to others are an indication that people are hurting and need you. Help us pray for them immediately. Help us not gossip or seek to expose them. We pray that you forgive us and help us repent of being disrespectful to our students, our colleagues, and our administrators. Help us esteem others higher than ourselves.

Father, we come near to you and we know that you will come near to us. We wash our hands of these sins and we ask for help to purify our hearts and help us not be double-minded. We rejoice that as we repent and turn to you, Lord, that you take away our sins and that we can experience a time of refreshing in you. We praise you, Lord. Jesus, it’s in your name that we pray. Amen.

Prayer Of Thanksgiving

The prayer of thanksgiving, verse Thessalonians 5:18, “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you and Christ Jesus. Father God, we come to you right now with this prayer of thanksgiving. We humbly bow ourselves before you. Father God, become bolder to your throne and not to ask you for anything but to thank you.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Click To Tweet

Father God, we thank you for being who you are. You do not change with the seasons in our lives or the seasons here on earth. You remain the same. Lord, you are our way-maker. Not only did you send your son Jesus, who is the way, the truth, and the light as the way for us to be cleansed and free from our sins. You provide a way out of temptation. You alone are a provider. You provide peace in all circumstances and enjoying all circumstances.

You provide not just material needs but physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. We choose to thank you for what you have provided, what you are providing now and what you will provide in Jesus’ mighty name. Father God, you are love. We thank You for loving us, even when we don’t behave very loving toward ourselves, towards others, or even towards you.

Thank You for working in our hearts and not just leaving us where we were on the day that you rescued us. We thank You, Father God, for keeping us. Many things, God, were meant to destroy us, but you saw and continued to see fit to keep us. You destroyed the plans of the enemy. You use attacks to make us stronger and you guard us, be here and reading your word.

Psalms 121, how you are a guardian to never rest or sleeps. We hear how you are, our shepherd, Lord. In Psalm 23, we thank you for protecting us from dangers seen and unseen. We thank you that the devil’s plans won’t prosper even when they do form. We thank you for calling us back into relation, with you, for giving us the gift of the Holy Spirit, for communicating with us, Lord.

You never stop moving and working in our lives. We thank you for giving us purpose and a reason to be here on this earth, for guiding our footsteps and revealing to us what you would have us to do with your good and perfect timing and your good and perfect will for our lives. We thank you for covering us, our families, our friends, our students and their families, our admin, co-workers, churches, leadership in all aspects and every other person that we may think of now or later.

We thank you for this time and we even have the ability to pray to you and the freedom to do that and that you have called this time together. We thank you for imparting this vision to Maryland and giving her the tools and the resources that we thank for all that you have done, will do and are doing to advance your kingdom. and draw more souls, hearts, and lives to you.

In Ephesians 5:20, it says, “Always giving thanks to God and the Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ so we continue to give you thanks for everything, Father God. We know that every good and perfect gift comes from you. We know that you are the plants that you have for us. They’re to prosper us and not to harm us. We thank you right now for your hand moving in our lives and for you being right besides us. In the mind of Jesus, amen.

Prayer Of Supplication

For our supplication, praise your name, God. Glory and honor to you. Teachers are blessed because of their passion to help others gain knowledge. Psalms 11-25, “Almighty God, we come to you today and give thanks for brand new teachers, transfer teachers and teachers who are filling vacancies. God give these teachers anointing for the way in which they give of themselves each day in the classroom, serving and instructing the next generation of this land.

Fill their hearts with courage, now by your mighty spirit. Fill them with your strength so that they may rise to every challenge and not grow weary. Fill them with your wisdom so that they may be able to make good judgment when guiding and helping others. Fill them with your peace so that when stress and anxiety come, it would not overwhelm them.

Lord, your spirit is transformative. May it inspire Christian new teachers to live by faith of the Word of God each day in all their interactions with students. Grant them to see situations with the mind of God and hearts to observe the way you call us to act. Renew their energy so that they may persevere through obstacles that they will surely encounter.

Bless their families with understanding and support for the new undertakings of these new teachers. Instilling these new teachers’ patience. Patience with students may not welcome the change in teachers. It’s hard growing up in today’s modern world. Help these new teachers to give students the benefit of the doubt and be kind even when they could rightfully be angry.

Give these new teachers patience too for themselves as they navigate and adjust to new work environments, colleagues, procedures, parents, curriculum, content, and schedules. Patience for wearing so many different hats with so many things needing to get done. God increase their faith in you. Giving them peace, a peace that allows them to look past their own personal challenges during the school day and give fully to their students and their many needs.

May these teachers always be mindful of the most vulnerable among us in whatever form that vulnerability takes. Lord, during moments when these new teachers feel like there is more being asked of them that they can’t provide. Help them to pause, breathe deeply, and feel your loving arms embracing and supporting them.

Lord, with you on their side, no obstacle is too big. Bless these new teachers to grab a hold of Romans 12:12 to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer. Lord God, thank you for always being a part of Christian new teachers lives. Whether they are about to start their day or end of their last class. Let them always feel your presence around them.

Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Click To Tweet

Every day, we assure these new teachers that the school day ahead will be a good one because you are always there to watch over them in the class. Lord, we ask that you help all those involved in new scheduling in schools to be able to smoothly adjust to the modifications, reveal all pertinent considerations, which we need to be included in order to benefit all those affected by the scheduling revisions.

Prayer Requests

Lord, let no stone go unnoticed. Allowing that for those who love God, all things work together for good. For all teachers and students who love God called according to your purpose. Lord, we ask that you have mercy on new students. Help them positively and productively navigate through their new academic home. If there is a language barrier, provide interpreters verbally and with lesson material.

Provide them with all the school supplies necessary for them to have success. Let all who encounter these new students treat them with kindness and respect. Help these new students to feel encouraged and accepted. Help them to learn their routines quickly so they may feel comfortable in knowing what to do and where to go. May the eyes of your heart be enlightened so that you may know the hope of God’s calling, the riches of God’s glory, inheritance in the saints, and God’s incomparably great power for us who believe. Ephesians 1:8-19A. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.