Teachers Who Pray

Many schools are filled with high levels of anxiety and trauma – due to increases in school violence, students’ lack of respect for others and classroom interruptions during instruction. Teachers face unprecedented challenges in the classroom: students’ mental health struggles, students’ learning loss from remote learning caused by Covid-19, and so much more.

Teachers also face real-life personal issues just like everyone else and these burdens don’t disappear when they go to work. At school, teachers can also face difficult professional challenges: overwhelming workloads, student discipline issues, lack of resources, legislative mandates, budget battles, building lockdowns, curriculum woes, disconnections with the community and so much more. The volume of internal and external noise has grown loud and hostile. Teacher burnout is real. With so much to think about and do on a daily basis, teachers may need an environment to renew, rejuvenate and receive encouragement for their spirit. Thankfully, there is one effective way to refresh the soul: Prayer.