Teachers Who Pray

Prayercast: Teachers’ Prayer Call For Appropriate Technology Usage And Policy, Student Engagement And Attention, Positive And Product Mindsets

Teachers Who Pray | Teachers Prayer


Prayer is an important part of a teacher’s daily professional preparation time. During these times of conversations with God, we receive instruction, revelations and guidance. For this weekly prayer call, we focus on appropriate technology usage and policy; engagement and attention; and positive/productive mindsets. Join us and let our supplications be heard for the overall betterment of our job as educators.

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Prayercast: Teachers’ Prayer Call For Appropriate Technology Usage And Policy, Student Engagement And Attention, Positive And Product Mindsets

Praise you. Lord, you are holy. We praise you for being our helper and for your Holy Spirit’s conviction, correction, and protection in our lives. You are invisible but we see you with eyes of faith. You are Jehovah God, Jehovah Jireh, the one who provides all our needs. We praise you as our Jehovah Rapha, our God who heals, and for being Jehovah Raah, our faithful shepherd. You are not just king but you are king of kings and lord of lords. You are Jesus, the name above all names.

Praise God. Thank you, Lord. Praise God in the highest. Praise you, God. Thank you, God. Praise God. Thank you, Lord. Praise God. Praise and honor unto you, God. God is great and worthy of our praise. We worship God in spirit and truth. Lord, we honor you for the goodness you show to us each day. God is good. His love endures forever. Lord God, we honor you for the grace and mercy you have shown toward us every day, every moment, and every second. We are grateful, God.

God is good. His love endures forever. Share on X

God, you are our advocate. You are Alpha and Omega. Lord, you are the answer to all our life challenges and questions. Lord, you are the bright morning star, the beginning and the end, and the breath of life. Lord, you are our counselor providing guidance. God, you are our comforter when we have heavy hearts of sadness. Lord, you are our deliverer. You saved us and freed us from the shackles of sin. Eternal and everlasting God, how great you are, our sovereign Lord.

There is no one like you, and there is no other God besides you. Yours, Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty. Everything in the heavens and on Earth is yours, Lord. This is your kingdom. We adore you as the one who is over all things. Lord, you are faithful to strengthen and protect us. Lord, you are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call you.

Lord, you are gracious and full of compassion. Though we walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve our lives. You stretched out your hand against the anger of our enemies. With your right hand, you save us. Lord, you will fulfill your purpose in us. Your love endures forever. Hallelujah. Glory and honor to God of the most high. With our whole heart, we praise you, God. God, you are Messiah, the soon and coming king. You are omniscient. You know all things. You are omnipresent everywhere at all times.

You are our peace and protector and the high priest who came to be our redeemer and sacrifice forever. You are our salvation and rescuer and our refuge. You give us hope within. Praise God. We praise you because you are trustworthy and true. You are our teacher, and your understanding and wisdom are beyond finite minds. You promise wisdom to us when we ask. You are the way, the truth, and the life. Praise God. Thank you, Lord. Praise God. Amen.

Confession, most merciful God, we confess together that we are in bondage to sin, and we cannot free ourselves. Lord, we have sinned against you with our thoughts, our words, and our deeds by many things that we have done and the things we have left undone. Father, we have not loved you with our whole hearts, and we have not loved our neighbors, our coworkers, and our students as ourselves. For the sake of your son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, forgive us. Renew us and lead us so that we may delight in your will and walk in your ways to the glory of your holy name.

Lord, as teachers, we confess that so often, we favor complaining over celebration. Like the Israelites, we have the wrong focus, and we complain about how things used to be or how we think they should be rather than participating in a dance of celebration like Miriam did after they crossed the Red Sea, Lord. How easily we forget your goodness and all the things that you have given us, Lord. We complain against our coworkers and our administration, Lord God. Lord, forgive us for not using the blessings that you have given us. You answer our prayers, and then we don’t seek you in how to manage our blessings.

Forgive us for mismanaging our time, our students, and our jobs, for procrastinating, postponing, and missing opportunities because of unfinished business. Lord, forgive us. Lord, help us to keep reminders of your goodness in our lives and all the testimonies we have that we keep to ourselves, or we just move on. Lord, forgive us for that. Lord, we want to be bold for you. We want to share these testimonies of what you’ve done in our classrooms and our schools with our coworkers.

Lord, this is the day of salvation. There is no time to waste. Forgive us for not sharing and being selfish. Lord, you are a God not of condemnation but of conviction. Lord, we ask that you convict our hearts. Thank you for forgiving us, Lord. You say, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

That’s you, Lord God. You do forgive us. You died for us, Lord, and you make us new. We are living sacrifices for you, Lord. Forgive us for not seeking you first. Forgive us for not thinking about what is true, what is right, and what is lovely. Lord, we know that in your mercy, you gave Jesus to die for us, and we thank you for your forgiveness. We thank you for making us new and transforming us, Lord God. We need you, and we love you. It’s in your name we pray this. Amen.

Our prayer of thanksgiving. Father, we enter your gates with thanksgiving and your courts with praise. We give thanks to you and we bless your name. Father, we come to you to give you thanks and understand that this is the day that you have made and that we will rejoice and we will be glad in it. We rejoice always. We pray continually and give thanks to you in all circumstances for this is your will for us in Christ Jesus. We praise you, Lord, with all our inmost beings. We praise your holy name.

We do not forget all of your benefits. You forgive all our sins and heal all our diseases. You redeem our lives from the pit and crown us with love and compassion. We thank you because every good and perfect gift comes from you. We give thanks to you, Lord, for you are good. Your steadfast love endured forever. Let all of us who are redeemed of the Lord give you thanks.

Lord, you have redeemed us from trouble and gathered us in from the lands of the East, the West, the North, and the South. Lord, not just from the lands but you have delivered us from troubled and sinful ways of our past. You have redeemed us by the blood of your son, and we are thankful to you for this. Father, we enter your gates with thanksgiving and your courts with praise.

We give thanks to you and we bless your name. Lord, you are good. Your steadfast love endures forever. Your faithfulness lasts for generations. Lord, we choose to rejoice in you always. We pray that our gentleness be evident to all. We pray that our gentleness be evident to our students, our coworkers, the parents of the children that we serve and that we teach, and the administrators that we are working with and that we are submitted to.

Lord, we pray that we will understand that you are near. We pray that you will help us not be anxious about anything in every situation, whether it is an observation or a conversation with a parent or someone that we have trouble communicating with. Father, we pray that we will not be anxious about this. Father, we even pray that we would not be anxious about what’s going on in the world around us. We pray that we do this with prayer and we give our petitions to you with thanksgiving. Father, help us have thanksgiving in our hearts.

Help us be grateful. Help us understand that it is because of the life that you give us that we are able to be thankful to you for all that you’ve given us, that we present our request to you, God, and that your peace will transcend all understanding. It will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus. Therefore, God, we thank you. We praise your glorious name and thank you that we are able to come before your throne and that you hear our prayers. We are thankful for you. Amen.

This is the prayer of supplication. Father God, we come boldly to your throne as we present this prayer of supplication to you. You alone, our God, supply all of our needs. Your word says, “How much more will your father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him?” We see in scripture that you’re living and breathing the true word of how faithful you are.

Time and time again, we come to you, and you are able to fulfill all of our needs. Father God, we lift attention to you. We pray that the student’s attention is on their schoolwork, on good things, and on things that are of you and not on things that are evil and not of you. We pray that you continue to grow their attention spans and allow them to be engaged in the lessons and other things that will help them grow academically, spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally.

We pray that they are submitted to you and keep their attention on good, perfect, and noble things. We bind anything that takes their attention off of their studies and on growing each and every aspect in the name of your son, Jesus. We come to you asking and thank you in advance for working all things together for the good of us, our students, their families, and our districts concerning technology. We thank you for supplying technology for staff, admin, faculty, and students in the name of Jesus. You alone are responsible for supplying those good things.

We ask you for your wisdom, safety, and discernment to guide these things for caution and wisdom to be used. We ask you and thank you in advance regarding the students’ ear gates, eye gates, and minds. We pray for the students and their parents so that the parents will train them up in a way that they must go, which is your way so that they’re not taken captive, blinded, and deceived by the enemy. We bind anything the devil has already planted and curse those things at their roots.

Ephesians 1:18-21 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and His incomparably great power for us to believe. Share on X

We thank you for working and asking you to continue working on the mindsets of the students, the admin, the parents, the district, and ourselves in the name of Jesus. You anointed us to be in the positions that you have placed us in, Father God, and our goal should be to do everything as if we’re doing it unto you because we are. As you help shift the mindsets of us and others to what you will have it to be, we thank you for doing it. We thank you that it’s already done.

You said we would be transformed by the renewal of our minds in your words. Thank you for the good and wonderful transformation that you are doing in our minds in the name of your son Jesus. We cast down and bind anything not of you that would keep us in mindsets and even heart postures that are not of you and are not like you. We continue to keep our minds on you, and you continue to keep us in perfect peace.

We continue to seek first your kingdom, and you continue to add your joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control to us in the name of Jesus. Our benediction scripture is Ephesians 1:18 and 19, “I ask that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so that you may know the hope of his calling, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.” Amen.