Teachers gain strength and wisdom from God through prayer. As Martin Luther once said, “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” In this week’s prayer call, educators collectively focus their supplications on three crucial aspects: classroom management, lunchroom protocol, and restroom procedures. Recognizing the profound impact these elements have on shaping the educational experience, teachers seek divine guidance to navigate the challenges inherent in their profession. Join us as we unite in prayer, invoking spiritual strength to foster positive classroom dynamics, harmonious lunchtime interactions, and a sense of responsibility in students when it comes to restroom procedures. Together, let us embrace the transcendent support that prayer provides, fortifying educators for the sacred task of molding the minds and hearts of the next generation.
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Prayercast: Teachers’ Prayer Call For Classroom Management, Lunchroom Protocol, And Restroom Procedures
Father, we enter your gates with thanksgiving and your courts with praise, and we give thanks to you and we bless your name. Lord, you are good and your steadfast love endures forever. Your faithfulness lasts for generations. You are perfect and all your ways and your word always prove to be true. You are a shield for all of us who take refuge in you Lord, for who is God but you, oh Lord, and who is a rock except our God. You are our rock and our salvation. We love you, Lord. You are our strength. Lord, you are a rock, our fortress and our deliverer, our God, our rock in whom we take refuge. Our shield and the strength of our salvation, our stronghold, and we call upon you, Lord, who are worthy to be praised and we are saved from our enemies.
Oh Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the Earth. You have set your glory above the heavens and out of the mouths of babes, infants, and some of our students. You establish strength because of your foes to still the enemy and the avenger. When we look at your heavens in the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have set in place, who are we that you are mindful of us?
Oh Lord, our Lord, how majestic your name and all the Earth are. We will extol you, our God and king and bless your name forever and ever. Every day, we will bless you and praise your name forever and ever. Great are you, Lord, and greatly to be praised. Your greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall commend your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts. On the glorious splendor of your majesty and on your wondrous works, we will meditate. They will speak of the might of your awesome deeds and we will declare your greatness. We adore you, Lord. Amen.
Father God, we come to you confessing our weaknesses and our reliance on your strength. We thank you for carrying us, and we admit that there are times we go in our own strength. We admit that times we go in our own knowledge and we admit that times we don’t seek you as we should. We admit times that we lean on our own understanding and not on your understanding, knowledge, and thinking.
We confess that sometimes we let frustration, impatience, unkindness, faithlessness, hostility, and every other thing that’s not of you cloud our minds and our judgment. We admit at times we do not effectively show your light to others and, sometimes, not at all or even to ourselves. It is so easy to get caught up in the ways of this world and in our flesh that we don’t always seek you or submit to you the way that we know we should.
We come to you now for forgiveness for these sins and thank you for that forgiveness. 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is fable and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” We know that your word will not return void. We know that you do not lie. We seek your forgiveness and to be transformed by the renewal of our minds as we are led by your Holy Spirit.
We know that we cannot do anything in our own strength and apart from you, we bear nothing and no good fruit. We confess that we are reliant on your strength, your grace, your mercy, your peace and your love as you help us to do what and be who you have called us to be and walk in your purpose for our lives.
We confess that at times, we don’t always admit our wrongs, God, but we thank you that you are showing us, we confess that we need you at every step and to not lean on ourselves or even on others or the ways and things of this world. We confess that we have a lot of growth to do, God. As much as we have grown and you have grown us, we confess that there’s still more work to do that we need you to do that to be a guiding light to others to show you because that’s the purpose of you sitting us here, to spread the gospel and show your light to others. We thank you for helping us with that right now in the Jesus’ mighty name, I pray and I thank you for this. Amen.
Give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good. Give thanks unto the God of Gods. Give thanks to the Lord for his mercy endured forever. Faithful Father, thank you that you are faithful to fulfill all of your promises. Thank you, Lord, for we are teachers. As teachers, we thank you for the power to educate, inspire, challenge, comfort, reassure, and encourage.
Lord, we thank you for the enormous influence that you have given us to enlighten the hearts and minds of our students. God, we thank you that through our students we have the power to change the world. Thank you for entrusting us with the responsibility and the opportunity to teach. Lord, thank you for teachers who use their gift of teaching to teach with their whole hearts. Thank you for giving them a spirit of grace, understanding, and compassion.
Lord, we thank you for the enormous influence that you have given us to enlighten the hearts and minds of our students. We thank you that through our students, we have the power to change the world. Share on XThank you, God, for anointing teachers with the strength and endurance to perform many tasks. Lord, we thank you for the creativity, work ethic, commitment, drive, and passion of teachers. We thank you for the lives they have changed and transformed, for the countless ways Christian teachers have taught by the examples set by Jesus and let the light of faith shine brightly for all to see and understand.
Heavenly Father, thank you for hearing and answering our prayers. Thank you, Lord, for your words, which instruct us to start children off on the way they should go. Even when they are old, they will not turn from. God, thank you for helping us to work hard for the good of our students, treating each of them with care, love, and respect. Lord, thank you for blessing, keeping and making your face shine upon us. Lord, we thank you for turning your face toward us and giving us peace in our minds and classroom.
Eternal Father, thank you for creating humanity in your image. We thank you for blessing people and directing us to govern our Earth. Thank you for educators, students, parents and school administrators across the globe. Thank you for protecting students, teachers and support staff on and off school campuses. Thank you for blessing teachers and students with intellect and reasoning. We magnify your holy name.
Almighty Father, it is your will for us to give thanks to you always and in all things. Lord, we thank you for creating within each person the capacity for teaching and learning. Thank you for educators and students who are growing in wisdom, understanding and knowledge through and of God. Joyful is the person who finds the wisdom of God and gains understanding.
Holy Spirit, thank you for blessing educators for their service, their students and their communities. Thank you for helping teachers everywhere to remain committed. God, thank you for administrators who trust our judgment and support our decisions no matter who else questions them. Thank you for parents who faithfully show up for parent-teacher conferences to listen, communicate, cooperate, and collaborate with the teacher.

God, thank you for the surprise assembly that held our interest. God, thank you for the substitute teacher who, without complaint, turned sometimes sketchy plans into exciting lessons. God, thank you for the teacher and student who struggled with the lesson but refused to give up. God, thank you for the creative teammate who freely shared their best ideas.
God, thank you for the student who suddenly got it. Thank you for the days with no surprises. God, thank you for the student who knew more about technology than the teacher did. God, thank you for the specialist teachers who provided activities that supported our curriculum. God, thank you for the school staff member who covered our class for five minutes so we could run to the restroom or to make copies.
God, thank you for the competent aide and paraprofessional who daily helps with the lesson. God, thank you for the professional development session that held our interest. God, thank you for the volunteers who chaperone field trips and provided enrichment activities during indoor recess. God, thank you for the colleague who swapped recess duty, cafeteria duty or the bus duty when we absolutely positively had to have a few minutes to ourselves to regroup or to leave early or on time. God, thank you for anyone who at any time for any reason remember to say thank you for being a good teacher. Lord, thank you to all school staff and students who declare with their mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in their heart that God raised him from the dead who will be saved. Amen.
Lord God, in our supplications, we’re lifting up classroom management, Lord, and restrooms, Lord, and hallways. Lord with you there is order and peace, Lord. We remember that you say in your word in 1 Corinthians, “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.” Lord God, in the beginning, when the world was formless and empty, you brought order by dividing darkness and light, sea from dry land.
“For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.” - 1 Corinthians 14:33 Share on XAfter the chaos of sin in the garden, oh God, you restored spiritual order to the lives of those who accept you as Lord and Savior. Oh, Lord, thank you for that. Thank you for bringing order out of chaos. Thank you for bringing us peace. Lord, we’re praying for peace and order in our classrooms and our hallways and in our restrooms.
Lord, we ask that you bring order to the physical spaces of classrooms. The teachers would be organized making the best use of their space, that nothing is wasted, cluttered or distracting for students. Lord, we pray for proper management of time by teachers, that their grading and assignments and classroom procedures and completed in a timely manner so that they model for their students’ excellence.
Lord, we know that discipline is critical for wisdom. We pray for discernment for teachers as they incorporate discipline into their classroom management. Lord, you discipline the ones you love and chastise every son whom you receive. Give this same ability to lovingly correct students by teachers, especially new teachers who may be struggling, Lord God. Give them this special wisdom.
Father, we lift up to you teachers who have been injured or abused physically or verbally by students. Lord, provide them with the support they need to help students. Always, Lord God, our provider, remind these teachers that you are the great counselor. Before anyone else, Lord, help them to seek you. You tell us to seek you first in your righteousness and all these things will be given.
Lord God, provide for struggling, frustrated teachers. Jesus, we ask you to give wisdom to teachers so that they are guiding children away from sin and help teachers do this justly in love without anger and with self-control. Lord, we pray for the lunchrooms. We pray that the food is prepared by lunchroom workers with love, Lord, and compassion as if they’re preparing for their own families.
Lord, we pray against allergic to reactions from food. Lord, we pray against waste. We pray that workers, students, and staff receive their food with thankfulness in their hearts, knowing that everything comes from you, Lord God. Lord, we pray that conversations in the lunchroom be filled with joy and encouragement as friends show love for one another, Lord, with hospitality.
Lord, we pray for students who are lonely, ostracized or feel left out. Lord, send other Christian students to come by them. Walk with them, eat with them Lord, and show them your love, Lord. Lord, we pray for restrooms. We pray that dignity abound in these spaces. Lord, many times children run to a restroom just to be alone or to get away from the classroom, Lord. Lord, you know we’ve all done that Lord, we’ve used the restroom space as a respite where we can be alone and quiet, Lord. Be present in these restrooms, Lord. Make them a haven for students.
Lord, we pray for aides who are helping to change students. Help them to do this, showing students dignity and love, Lord. Lord, provide the necessary supplies in restrooms and help workers keep them clean, Lord, and maintained, free from germs. Lord, we pray against any abuse that would ever even cross someone’s mind in a restroom. Lord, we pray against misuse of things there, Lord. We ask that compassion and helpfulness just abound in restroom, Lord.
We pray against the use of drugs or suicidal thoughts. We ask for your peace, and we ask that these places, Lord, these places or children might be alone or seeking safety. Lord, we ask you to be a special presence in those places. Holy Spirit, breathe into restrooms, Lord, for teachers and for students, Lord God.
Lord, we pray for the maintenance people who care for these spaces, Lord, for classrooms, restrooms, and lunchrooms. Help them to do their work, Lord, not as serving the school or the students, but because they’re serving you Lord, God. We ask that these spaces, Lord, are spaces of peace and of order, not of chaos. It is in your name, Lord Jesus, that we ask this. Amen.