Teachers Who Pray

Prayercast: Teachers’ Prayer Call For Kindness And Appropriate Attire

Teachers Who Pray | Teachers Prayer

As we, Christian teachers, undergo development within our prayer life, we become more engaged and alive with what God is doing. “Know ye that Lord is God. It is He that made us, and not we. We are his people and the sheep of his pasture.” Psalm 100:3. The more we commune with God, the closer we get, thus enabling us to hear God’s voice and making it less difficult to follow the shepherd. This week’s Supplication prayer will focus on Kindness and appropriate attire. Please join Teachers Who Pray in implementing our Prayer Power for 15 minutes of prayer (1% of your daily minutes) for teachers on the Weekly Monday Evening Zoom Prayer Meeting from 7-7:15 pm CT.

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Prayercast: Teachers’ Prayer Call For Kindness And Appropriate Attire

Psalm 22:3, yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel. Dear God, we come to you with total adoration. Adoration means worship, veneration, or deep love, and respect. Your word says that we love because you first loved us. We’re made of your image and what a wonderful, mighty, and beautiful image that is. You are magnificent, awesome, and awe-inspiring.

Father God, you have created the heavens and earth and inhabitants of the heavens and earth. You created all of these things and called them good, Father God. We honor you for being so detailed with your craftsmanship. You spoke words and you’re still speaking over us. You create everything out of those words. Whatever you say comes to pass because your words cannot return to the void.

We lift you, Father God. We don’t lift you with just our voices but we lift you with our hearts as well in the name of Jesus every day, even if it’s just for ten seconds daily, Father God. You have kept us and you continue to keep us. We see you as our creator but also, as our father. Like a good father, we know that you guide us in all that we do, direct our paths, and counsel us when we seek you.

You have kept us in our coming or going in good seasons and in bad. You have worked all things together for our good and you continue to do that. You never stopped working and moving in our lives. You anointed us to do what you have called us to do and you don’t leave us to do it alone or in our own strength. You never stop working and moving in our lives.

You give us a choice to be led and held by you, and I thank you for that. Even for the free will to choose to be led by you, God. I praise you for the good work that you have done and continue to do for us. We thank you for what you are doing even if we don’t understand how, when, or why. We understand all of your ways. We thank you for doing what you know to do best because you are never wrong. We submit ourselves to that.

God, you are so amazing and you see what we can’t see. Out of your love for us, you have created ways of escaping times of trouble and temptation. You have created ways through. You have given us a gift of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ who died for our sins in obedience to you for your love for us. We praise you for protecting us and not allowing us to have everything that we want withholding no good thing and nothing meant for us from us.

We see you as you are. You are our way maker, our promise keeper, and our miracle worker. You enlighten the darkness and so much more. Let us not sing these songs emptily but use them to glorify you or remind ourselves and others of who you are at all times. Psalms 34:1, I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Confession. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. However, if we confess our sins, God who is faithful and just will forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9, Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, God, who is faithful and just, will forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Click To Tweet

We confess to God Almighty before our brothers and sisters that we have sinned in thought, word, and deed. We pray to God almighty to have mercy on us and forgive us. In humbleness and faith, we confess our sins to God. Loving God, we come to you with our confessions. Hear us, Lord. We confess we have gone astray. Guide us, Lord. We confess we often have loved you half-heartedly. Make us whole.

Lord, we confess we find most of our strength in ourselves. Be our strength, Lord. We confess we’ve done so many things wrong. Forgive us, Lord. We come to you Lord confessing openly what we have done. Merciful God, we humble ourselves in your presence confessing our unworthiness and our sinfulness in your sight. We have broken your Holy law. We have not sought first your kingdom and righteousness. We have been anxious and troubled about many things and have neglected the things that are part of the peace we receive from you. Most gracious God, we knew a right Spirit within us.

Heavenly Father, your love for us is evident. Everywhere we look, we see proof of your great care for us. Yet, when it comes to following you, we confess that we often don’t surrender our entire selves. We hold back portions of our lives that we would rather control instead of releasing them to your loving care. Have mercy upon us, Lord. Forgive us for frequently saying one thing and doing another. They are words and actions that line up.

Eternal and glorious God, you are merciful, kind, and forgiving. You hear us when we confess to you. We admit we do not focus on you with our whole heart, mind soul, and strength. We neglect to rest our hearts and minds in you, for we keep going in our power and never stop. We do not stick fast to your word, for we live by some of the words of our times like CNN, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. We give priority to many other commitments. Father, forgive our sins and help us to walk in your way.

Gracious God, you call us to draw near but we keep our distance. We are afraid of your direction and discipline so we avoid honesty and confession. Father, help us trust in your goodness and your grace believing that your correction brings life and joy. May we live in the light of your love so that others might see and draw near to you. May the almighty God have mercy on us. Pardon and deliver us from all our sins and give us time to amend our lives. Lord, forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thanksgiving. Philippians 4:4-7, Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

God, thank you that you are a consuming fire. Thank you that you purify us by your power and love. Thank you that you leave no part of our mind, body, or spirit untouched by your holiness. Father, God, we cannot in our flesh express our thanks to you. Our King of Glory, Hallelujah. It is only because of our high priest Jesus, the son of the living God, that we can approach you, God, and worship, repentance, and thanksgiving.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for being so perfect, righteous, and merciful. Thank you for blessing us even when we are not obedient or forthcoming and we are stingy with the teaching gifts you have given us. Thank you, Jesus, that you intercede on our behalf every single day. Thank you, Father, for entrusting us to work with children who you say are very precious in your sight. Thank you, Lord, for the positions and places you have sent us.

Thank you, Father, for the miracles, testimonies, and answer prayers we have witnessed and experienced in our schools because you are always at work. Thank you for always being our Lord. When we don’t trust you, Lord, you still are at work. When we despair and complain, Lord, you still bless us. Thank you, Lord, Jesus. All praise to you our most high God for covering us with your blood and freeing us by your grace.

Lord God, we do not deserve this but you bless us anyway. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Thank you for seeing us wearing a robe of righteousness because of Jesus’ death on the cross. Thank you for wiping our sins clean. Lord, thank you for working through us to change lives, bring people to yourself, and draw hearts to salvation. Thank you for this. Thank you for entrusting us. Thank you for your power, Holy Spirit.

Thank you, Lord God, for the gift of prayer where we can come to your throne room of grace, pour our hearts to you, and not have to worry if our words are beautiful or perfect. You still hear them. You still long for your children to come to you. Thank you for this, Lord Jesus. Thank you, Lord, for this prayer call. Thank you that you bring teachers from all over the world to speak with you, Lord, and listen.

Thank you for touching our hearts, Lord. I don’t even understand how you do it but you do it through these airwaves and the Zoom call every single Monday night, Lord. Thank you for your faithfulness. Heavenly Father, there is nothing we can do to express this to you enough, except to be living sacrifices and that’s still nothing for all that you have done for us. We end this prayer with a hallelujah, a shout of praise, and joy in our hearts, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. We love you. Amen.

Prayer of supplication. Dear heavenly Father, we come to you to make our requests known concerning the need for kindness to be demonstrated throughout school buildings, administrative offices, school boards, Departments of Education, in our homes, and the homes of our students. We pray specifically that your followers, those who trust Christ, will be beacons of light who shine kindness, mercy, grace, and love when tempers could potentially flare.

We pray that during these times when matters of race, religion, culture, and identity can easily become the source of conflict and confusion, we your children will be instruments of peace. We pray that we remember to acknowledge you in all our ways and not lean on our understanding regarding human interactions. We pray that you show us how to be godly examples of what it means to be kind and polite. We pray that you show us godly examples of what it means to be civil and gracious.

Lord, as we pray about being civil to one another, we pray that you help us adults and our students to show respect for one another and ourselves. By the way that we dress and accessorize ourselves, we pray that we will wear appropriate and proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, without clothing and accessories that will distract from teaching and learning.

As we come out of the pandemic, casual fashion trends of PJs, robes, and slippers, we pray that there will be a counter-culture movement in school buildings and that adults will choose to dress professionally reflecting the seriousness and importance of their occupation. We pray that children will wear their uniforms if required and those whose families need help with purchasing or acquiring the uniforms will get the help that they need.

We pray that the parents or caretakers of students who are allowing their children to wear clothing that’s inappropriate will have a new conviction about helping students make better wardrobe choices. Father, we pray for a breakthrough for those families who are unable to have clean clothing. We pray that you place in the hearts of people to help those families with resources, support, and love.

Finally, Father, we pray for the physical, emotional, and spiritual safety of our students and the adults in our buildings as some of our schools take time to celebrate Halloween. We also pray for safety throughout our communities. Father, we pray that you turn this tide of the open occult practices that we are able to see in music, video games, toys, and books that target children.

We pray that the demonic imagery that increases each year during this time will become less and less as people turn to you and your son Jesus. Father, we understand that people crave power and control, and they have a hunger for the supernatural. For those reasons, they practice sorcery and astrology. They read tarot cards. They consult psychics, mediums, and spiritists.

Father, we intercede for these people, especially our family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and students that as they search, they will encounter Jesus who is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to you, Father, except through Jesus. In closing, I pray Ephesians 1:18-19. I ask that the eyes of your heart be enlightened so that you may know the hope of His calling, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. Amen.