Prayers come in various forms and can be offered through songs, communion, or in quiet moments, including prayers for classroom management. This week, be specific in your prayers. Name specific situations or individuals, such as a parent you need to call, a meeting you want to be purposeful, or a student facing difficulties. God listens attentively and is pleased when we call out to Him in faith. Even in times of deep pain, heavy burdens, or complex situations, God hears our heartfelt prayers. The answers may not always align with our desires but will be precisely what we need. Sometimes God aims to transform us rather than alter circumstances.
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Prayercast: Joy Of The Lord, Renewed Hearts And Minds, And Positive School Culture
Prayer Of Adoration
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. From the rising of the sun to the setting of the same, your name is to be praised. For, Lord, you are the author of life, the breath of life, and the creator and designer of everything everywhere. You are faithful and generous and have the hope of education. You are an intelligent designer, and your name is Jesus, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, our Messiah and the Lord who gives us new mercies each day.
Lord, you are the author of life, the breath of life, and the Creator and designer of everything everywhere. Share on XLord, you are omnipotent and powerful, and you quiet us by your love, your righteousness, and salvation, and you are the teacher of teachers, unique in every way. You are the voice we belong to hear each day in your word, for you are the word. You are the expert in education. Your name is Yahweh, and you have zero sin in you.
Gracious God, we come to tell you how much we love you. We want to learn more about you. We want to praise you, and we want to sing and say the Psalms. I love you, Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my defender, my fortress, my God, my rock in whom I take refuge, my shield, the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. We call upon your name, Lord, and ask a blessing upon all those who are here in your presence. We ask it in Jesus’s name, Amen.
Prayer Of Confession
Prayer of Confession. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive. 1 John 19, whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses. Proverbs 28:13, Repent, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out. Acts 3:19 Father God, we come boldly to your throne with our confession. We know that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We know that as humans on this earth, we will sin. We also know, believe, and trust that we can come to you with boldness and confidence and that all our sins have been covered through your grace, Jesus, and through his blood on the cross. We know that anything we ask for in the name of Jesus is given to us as long as it’s in your will, and we thank you for that right now. We spend the next 30 seconds confessing our sins to you.
Father, we confess that we don’t always use our gifts like you have called us to. We don’t always see teaching as a ministry and as serving you. As of this, we don’t always do it with your strength or with boldness and excellence. We confess that at times we complain about a student, their family, admin, and a myriad of other things.
This is not lovely, it’s not productive, it’s not what we should be focusing on, and it’s not like you, so we should not be doing it. We confess that oftentimes we don’t go with the authority that you gave that we became under the covenant of salvation and relationship with you. We have the authority to speak what we want to see and declare that things are on earth as they are in heaven. We confess that we need to put on the armor of God, stand bold against the enemy, and not go in our own strength.
Finally, we confess that we need to repent. We need to seek you, turn from our wicked ways, and change our hearts and mindsets. Father, we know that you have the power to do this. Please forgive us for not seeking you and trying to do things in our own strength. We see time and again in your works, in your word, that while faith without works is dead, we only truly succeed when we depend on you. Thank you, Father, for your forgiveness, clarity, and cleansing. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Prayer Of Thanksgiving
Prayer of Thanksgiving. Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you to give you thanks. This is the day that you have made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. We rejoice always, we pray continually, and we give you thanks in all circumstances, for this is your will for us in Christ Jesus. We praise you, Lord, with all our inmost beings. We praise your holy name. We will not forget all of your benefits. You forgive all our sins, and you heal all our diseases. You redeem our lives from the pit and crown us with love and compassion. We thank you because every good and perfect gift comes from you. We give thanks to you, Lord, for you are good, for your steadfast love endures forever. Let all of us who are redeemed of the Lord give you thanks. Lord, you have redeemed us.
Every good and perfect gift comes from You. We give thanks to You, Lord, for You are good, for Your steadfast love endures forever. Share on XWe thank you for your protection. We thank you for your provision. We thank you for your mercy and your grace. You have chosen each of us in this season of our lives to be educators. What an honor and a privilege. We pray that we will daily have an attitude of gratitude as we start each day. Help us discover new opportunities and new ways to give you thanks, and we pray that our gratitude will be contagious. We pray that our colleagues and our students will choose to be grateful so our schools will be places of contentment, peace, and joy.
Lord, thank you for the challenging students who help us rely more and more on you and your godly wisdom. Lord, thank you for the new pedagogy, new technology, and the new SEL methodology that stretches us and causes us to grow and learn, and most of all realize that we can do all things through your Son, Jesus, who gives us the strength and the ability.
Lord, we choose to rejoice in you always. We pray that our gentleness will be evident to all. You are near. Lord, we pray that you will help us not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present our requests to you, and your peace, which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.
Prayer Of Supplication
Prayer of Supplication. Lord, I come to you in supplication for teachers, staff, administration, students, parents, and communities. Please create in us clean hearts that are full and brimming over with your perfect love. Renew our spirits so that they are in line with your spirit that will guide us, and clear our minds so that they are set on what is true, what is honorable, pure, lovely, good, excellent, and praiseworthy. We know when our minds are set to look up to you and your kingdom that you are able to bless us with your perfect peace, and then you are able to anoint us in our work to serve others and glorify your kingdom. When that happens, you are able to bless us with your joy, and we all know, Lord, that your joy is our strength.
Lord, I pray that you be with schools as they set building and district-wide expectations. I pray that these expectations honor all students by creating safe environments, both physically, mentally, and spiritually. I pray the district-wide expectations set a positive culture with clear expectations, grace, redirection, and situation-appropriate consequences that encourage a growth mindset for all stakeholders.
Lord, classroom management is so important at the beginning of the year, and I pray you to be with teachers as they create age-appropriate routines, high expectations, and appropriate behavior modification. Be with all as they practice these new classroom management routines to an excellent standard and leave no room for misunderstanding, but leave plenty of room for your grace.
Help educators, staff, and administrators pour your love into these students and their families. Let this love build up relationships of integrity that are wrapped in mutual respect.
When the time for correction comes, there is enough relational margin to buffer the impact and direct its energy in a way that shows that mistakes lead to growth and discipline wrapped in love, and when done to the glory of God, the grace eases the burn of correction so that the children know that, no matter what, your true love is unconditional and these teachers are a lamp for that love.
Your true love is unconditional, and these teachers are a lamp for that love. Share on XPlease be with all as they create new routines and new transitions throughout the entire building. Let your spirit dwell in all of the areas in between classrooms, hallways, offices, and bathrooms. Please let your spirit be there so that these children feel your presence and your safety, and that you are there to cast out all spirits of negativity. We pray that your hand is over our schools and that you open the storehouse of blessings on all who enter there, that they may know a peaceful start to the school year and glorify you. Amen.