This week, let us raise our voices in praise to His Holy Name! Offer gratitude for the countless promises He has fulfilled and the miracles witnessed within your school, made possible by the presence of His Holy Spirit in dedicated teachers like you. Praise Him in anticipation of all He will accomplish within your students, the school community, and your own heart throughout this year.
Praise serves as an anchor for a vibrant prayer life and a strong connection with God. Consistently grounding ourselves in praise is a beautiful and powerful act of worship for Christian teachers. It directs our hearts and eyes to perceive the transformative work and triumphant presence of Jesus Christ in our educational institutions.
Listen to the podcast here
Prayercast: God’s Mercy And Protection Over Schools And Communities
Prayer Of Adoration
Adoration. Lord Jesus, we give you thanks tonight for everything that you have done, you are doing, and you are going to do. Thank you for your promises, Lord God. You said that your word would not return until you bore it. Lord, I pray tonight and just thank you for everything that you have done, you are doing, and you promised us that you are going to do. Lord, we are going to put these words back in your mouth tonight, Lord God, just thanking you. You said, “Enter into your gates with thanksgiving, enter your courts with praise, and be thankful unto you, and just bless your name.” As children of the Most High God, we bless your name tonight. There’s no other name under heaven by which a person can be saved, healed, delivered, or set free tonight, Lord God. We thank you, Lord God, for choosing us.
You said, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” Lord, we are chosen tonight to be teachers who pray, Lord God, who pray for our students, who pray for our administration, who pray for the crossing guards, who pray for the janitors, and everyone, the cooks and everyone. We thank you for these, your people, tonight, Lord God. We admire you, Lord God. We bow down to you tonight, Lord. You said, “If my people, who are called by my name, would humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked way, you promised us that we would hear from heaven, you would forgive sin, and you would heal the land tonight.” Lord, thank you so much. We can’t thank you enough, Lord God. Thank you for our laying down last night.
Thank you for waking us up every morning to a brand new day, like the scriptures say, “This is the day that the Lord has made, and we are rejoicing, and we are glad in it, Lord God.” Morning by morning, new mercies we see. Great is your faithfulness, Lord God. Thank you so much for this time together for teachers who pray. Thank you for every teacher, every city, every state that’s represented on this land. Thank you, Lord God, that we counted it not robbery to come together every Monday night to lift you up, and you promised us if we lift you up, you would draw all women, men, boys, and girls unto you. Lord, thank you for this time together. We pray this prayer in the name that’s above every name, the name of Jesus, Yeshua the Christ. Hallelujah and amen.
Prayer Of Confession
Prayer of confession. Lord, I come to you tonight with an open heart, and I pray on behalf of all of us with teachers who pray and over teachers, staff, administration, children, and communities, Lord. I come to you to confess that there are times that we deal with selfishness and arrogance and pride and ego in our workday, Lord. With that open and cleansed heart, Lord, we want to confess these sins to you so that we can deny ourselves, pick up our crosses, and follow Jesus. Lord, I pray to you in confession of the times that we have not submitted to our authority so that we can be a light unto others and so that we can be an example for you, Lord. I confess the times that we have sinned in thought, and that has caused us to grumble and to sin in word, and then we end up sinning in deed as well, Lord.
Those acts speak so highly of our sin that we’re no longer walking in your light, Lord. I just confess that to you. Lord, I pray that you cleanse our hearts as we confess our sins. Help us to think on the things that you want us to think on, Lord, and not so much on how others treat us or how others make us feel or what we want people to think of us or what we want things to affect us, Lord, because all of these are a sinful nature. We know that we came to earth fully equipped to sin and fully equipped to be selfish. I confess that to you, Lord, that you cleanse our hearts so that rather than thinking of how others make us feel, we will instead think of how we can help others. Lord, I confess to you the times that we’ve been selfish in transitions before and after school.
Lord, cleanse our hearts so that rather than thinking of how others make us feel, we will instead think of how we can help others. Share on XWe all know we’ve been in positions as teachers where it’s the beginning of the school day, we’ve got to school late, or it’s after school, and we’re ready to go, and we haven’t been there to do what we need to do to provide the safety that we need for our students. I confess that to you, Lord, that we’re not putting our students’ safety first before what is convenient for us. Lord, I confess to you the times that we have been more interested in what we need to accomplish than focusing on student engagement and making those connections with kids, because those connections with kids, Lord, are the spaces in our relationships and the spaces in our time, those connections that reveal you and your truth and your love. Lord, I confess to you the times that we did not seek you when we were lesson planning.
We were seeking what was most convenient and what was fastest, what we thought would make us look good or have the greatest impact, and we weren’t really thinking about what would glorify you in that moment, in that lesson, what we could do to connect with a kid so that we could glorify you and show them your love through the lessons that we’ve planned, Lord. Lord, I confess to you just the sins of our hearts, spoken and unspoken. We know what our sins are, Lord, and you know what our sins are, and I just want to take a few moments to lift those up to you silently. Lord, thank you for your forgiveness. I praise you and I thank you for your goodness and your sacrifice and that your blood has covered our sins and made us clean so that we can approach the throne of God boldly. Amen.
Prayer Of Thanksgiving
Prayer of Thanksgiving. Psalm 92. It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, oh Most High, to declare your steadfast love in the morning and your faithfulness by night, to the music of the lute and the harp, to the melody of the lyre, for you, oh Lord, have made me glad by your work. At the works of your hands, I sing for joy. Oh opener of our eyes, oh opener of our hearts, we thank you. You have given us a special place in our schools and put us in positions of influence for your kingdom. Thank you, oh God. You have set us in this country where we have so many freedoms, the freedom to worship you, King Jesus, the freedom to speak your name and sing praises in your honor, the freedom to pray in our school buildings and have Bibles, your holy word, right in our classrooms.
By your hand, we are able to celebrate a national day of prayer and Religious Freedom Day. Thank you, oh Lord Jesus, and every day share their faith with their friends at school. We thank you for Bible clubs and teacher prayer chapters, and for coaches and leaders who acknowledge your name and give you the glory for their wins and successes, and lean into you for strength and guidance. We thank you, oh God. We thank you for Moody Radio and their programming, which brings the gospel to the very far reaches of the earth. We thank you for the many people who have come to faith because of the truth and Bible teachings that they broadcast.
Lord, we thank you for the endless ways you have answered the prayers of teachers, school staff, students, and families in desperate and hopeless situations. Out of your abundant mercy and grace, you have always given us more than we could have imagined, and like the lame man at the gate whom you healed through Peter and John, we go leaping and jumping and praising you. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen.
Prayer Of Supplication
Prayer of Supplication, Philippians 4:6-7. Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have. Because you belong to Christ Jesus, God’s peace will stand guard over all your thoughts and feelings. His peace can do this far better than our human minds. Glory to God, we come to you with this prayer of supplication. We know that you have given us authority and the ability to intercede for others, so we choose to do that and walk in the authority and power that you have blessed us with as your children. By the God, we pray for transitions before and after school. We know that students often walk to school by themselves, waiting at the bus stop early in the morning, and sometimes make sure that they and their siblings and other children they are living with are getting to school safely.
We pray to you and thank you for covering them with the blood and with safety. We bind plans, schemes, and assignments of the enemy that work against them. We know that you can turn even the most hopeless situations around for their good, so we praise you and give you honor for that right now in Jesus’ name. We receive that each student is welcome, covered by you, and even if they are experiencing arguments and other things that disturb their peace before they come to class, they will still experience your love, joy, mercy, compassion, and peace in Jesus’ mighty name. We thank you that students are actively engaged in the lessons. The lessons flow smoothly, and you allow the teacher wisdom and discernment with differentiation and lesson plans.
We ask that you help teachers adjust lessons and do what is best for our students. We bind plans and attacks against the lessons and against students’ understanding and application of what they know in future lessons and assignments. We thank you in advance for a minimum of distractions so that even when distractions like fire drills or outbreaks arise, they will not take away from the learning environment that you have already transformed these classrooms so that your light can shine and so that they can learn and be productive, faithful members of not only society but the kingdom. We thank you for all of this and for answering all these prayers, and we praise you for it in the name of Jesus, amen. In Ephesians 1:18, I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people.
As I pray, as it is written, at prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving, we make our requests known. Heavenly Father, being obedient to your word, we are here gathered together, making a request regarding the gang fights, the gang wars, the innocence, oh God, of innocent blood being shed, children being caught in the crossfire, children even seeking school as a shelter of safety, as a place and safe haven to run to you as we cover every teacher here that represents safety to children, Lord. As we’re crying out to you, the very present help in the time of trouble, Abba Father, we thank you for your living word, for it is so, oh Abba Father. You have called your people to pray, and you said in all things pray. You told us to pray one for another.
You told us to pray for the saints, Lord, and as you have placed these things before us, not having us ignorant of any of the devices of Satan, yet you have called your people to pray. You are God all by yourself, and we are here gathered together in your name, oh Lord. You told us to be strong in you, Lord, to stand and draw our strength from you in the times of trouble, so here we are pleading the blood of Jesus Christ over Chicago, over California, oh God, the southern regions of the United States that have been infiltrated with immigrants and gang wars and violence, oh God, from the hands of wicked people, Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ. You said the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they’re mighty through you for the pulling down of every stronghold.
You told us to be strong in You, Lord, to stand and draw our strength from You in times of trouble. Help us remain steadfast. Share on XWe’re calling out to you. We cry out to you, Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ. Oh Father God, we thank you for this grace to gather together, Lord, and to watch and to pray. Oh Abba Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, even as you spoke those powerful words, oh God, in the age of Esther, for such a time as this, oh Lord, we would not think of ourselves higher than we ought, oh God. As we’re watching our brothers and sisters in different regions of the world, not just the United States, going through, oh God, we dare not say that it’s not happening in my neighborhood. We dare not say we’re going to watch to see what happens, but Lord, we are obedient, and we ask you, Lord, to have mercy in the name of Jesus Christ on us, oh Lord. Have mercy on your people, Lord.
Have mercy on those that are going through in this hour, Lord, and we thank you for this grace as we are here at the throne of grace to boldly obtain this grace, to enter into your goodness, oh God, to do what you have called us to do because you told us we can prove you, but you told us to come and to ask of you. You said we have not because we ask not, and you told us to ask that your joy will remain in us and our joy will be filled to see your mighty hand do what no man can do, for this is impossible for man, but to see you come in these matters as we have called out to you. Oh how glorious it shall be that your joy will remain in us and that our joy will be filled by you and you alone. We ask these things in your son, our savior, Jesus Christ’s name, amen.