Teachers Who Pray

Teachers Who Pray | Student Retention

Prayercast: Report Card Conferences And Student Retention

  Greetings! Time management is a phrase that produces an emotional response in teachers. We struggle with feelings of guilt and wrestle with tension between our work and personal lives. Can we really manage time? Let’s face it, time moves on no matter what we do. We can’t make it slow down, go faster, or...

Teachers Who Pray | Teachers Mental Health

Teachers Who Pray: Weekly Pray Call On Lawlessness/Criminal Activity In Communities By Students, Mental Health Issues-Teachers/Students And Seasonal Affective Depression/SAD

The environment and climate necessary for effective teaching and learning is increasingly undermined by a culture of chaos such as laziness, lies, stealing, bullying, vandalism, unruliness, intolerance and other forms of school-based violence. Educators experience substantially higher rates of depression than the overall population. Teaching is considered as stressful as working as an emergency room...

Teachers Who Pray | Holy Spirit

Faithful Foundations: Inviting The Holy Spirit Into Our Schools Everyday

  Greetings! As Christian teachers, we must continually invite the power of the Holy Spirit into every situation of our professional practice, including the day-to-day activities in our classrooms.  Often, we attempt to fix a situation ourselves, instead of engaging the power of the ultimate fixer, God. We are called to pray, go and serve....