Teachers Who Pray

Prayercast: Faithfulness Of God, Transformation Of Hearts, Provision Of Resources, And Integrity In Assessments

Teachers Who Pray | Spirit-Led Teaching


In the journey of spirit-led teaching, physical stressors like exhaustion, illness, or recovery can deeply impact our work and lives. Whether we face these challenges ourselves or support our loved ones, it’s essential to remember that God is the ultimate healer. His strength covers all our needs—physical and spiritual. God may heal our bodies or uplift our spirits to endure, offering us grace and resilience. Through Jesus’ love and presence, we find comfort and strength amid pain and hardship.

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Prayercast: Faithfulness Of God, Transformation Of Hearts, Provision Of Resources, And Integrity In Assessments

Prayer Of Adoration

Welcome teachers and educators to the show. Educators from different parts of the country have come together to seek our Lord Jesus Christ and to pray for you in His mighty name. Their prayers follow the ACTS prayer model, which is an acronym for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. This prayer model helps to focus our hearts on who God is and what He has done before we intercede and make supplications for teachers and educators. As you listen to this prayer cast, may the grace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

As we gather here in adoration, come let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord our maker for he is our God and we are his people. Hallelujah, the people of his pasture, the sheep of his hand. Let us come and gather together in adoration and give thanks to the Lord for He is good. For His steadfast love endures forever. For great is the Lord and greatly to be praised. Hallelujah. He is to be feared above all gods. He is the author and the finisher, Alpha and Omega, beginning and ending.

We just give thanks to you, Abba Father, because you are good and your mercies endure forever. We give thanks to you and we praise your holy name because surely, hallelujah, what you have said, it is so. We are your redeemed and we have gathered together tonight to say, let the redeemed say so. Hallelujah. We adore you. We worship you for you are holy Lord God Almighty, Almighty to save, Almighty to deliver. You are mighty. Hallelujah and mercy and you are gracious. God, in your goodness.

You have held back no good thing from us and in the midst of what we have gone through, we are right here before your presence gathered together in your name. In this hour, we just say hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. We made it. Hallelujah. By your grace, we are here to receive of your goodness. Lord, we call upon you for you are the very present help in the time of trouble. Abba, you have not turned us over to our fears, you have not taught us to fear, but you have called us, adopted us, redeemed us, and you have sent your Son and reconciled us to love, power, and sound mind and we adore you.

We’re grateful to you. We are thankful to be grateful and grateful to be thankful because your name is high and lifted up and there’s no other name that is greater. Hallelujah. Worship the Lord. He said to offer up to him thanksgiving. We’ll offer up to him that sacrifice of joy that we will do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask a thing. As we are here in adoration, He said with prayer supplication at Thanksgiving, we are to make our requests known. God bless you and keep you. Amen.

Prayer Of Confession

Prayer of confession. Dear heavenly father, we come to confess our sins to each other and to you and to pray for each other so that we may be healed. Your word tells us that prayer, the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective. We acknowledge our sins to you because you are faithful and just, and you will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. Your word tells us that when we conceal our sins, we do not prosper, but when we do confess and renounce our sins, we find mercy.

When we become aware that we are guilty of missing the mark, we must confess in what ways we have sinned. We pray that you forgive us and help us repent of the times that we did not think of others more than we thought of ourselves. We became obsessed with getting our own way when it involved interacting with students, interacting with colleagues, interacting with our bosses, and interacting with the parents and family members of our students. Finally, interacting with our own family members. Forgive us, Lord.

We pray that you forgive us and help us repent of the times that we chose to satisfy our flesh and look for our own out for our own interests instead of those of the students and the other people we serve as educators. When we cut corners and did not plan lessons with excellence and wasted our precious time on silly and useless activities. We pray that you forgive us and help us repent of the times that we actively chose to ignore that your word tells us to bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances we may have against one another.

You tell us to forgive others as you have forgiven us. Help us release the grudges we have against people. Help us stop talking to people about the way students and adults have hurt us at our jobs. Help us cast all of those cares on you because you care for us. We pray that you forgive us and help us repent of the times that we have been dishonest and did not heed your word that says, “Do not lie to each other.” Since you have taken off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self. Help us tell the whole truth. Help us not omit information.

Help us not exaggerate or falsely elevate ourselves to impress others. We pray, Holy Spirit, that you create in us a clean heart and renew an honorable and upright spirit in each of us. Help us see that when we choose to disobey you, it grieves you and affects our sweet communion. We ask that you restore the joy of our salvation and that you sustain us with a willing spirit that we will teach those who have transgressed against you and we will teach them your ways and that they will turn to you.

Finally, pray that you forgive us and help us repent of the times we have given into a spirit of fear when we were timid or intimidated instead of standing on the fact that you have given us a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline. Father, we come near to you and we know that you will come near to us. We wash our hands of these sins and we ask for help to purify our hearts and for help to stop being double-minded. We rejoice that as we repent and turn to you, Lord, that you take away our sins and that we can experience a time of refreshing in you. We praise you, Lord Jesus, and we pray in your name, amen.

Forgive us and help us repent of the times we have given into a spirit of fear when we were timid or intimidated instead of standing on the fact that You have given us a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. Share on X

Prayer Of Thanksgiving

Prayer of Thanksgiving. Lord, I praise your holy name and I bless you for your goodness. You are the great orchestrator and master planner, leaving no detail left undeliberated. I thank you for your living word that can be weaved into and applied to every situation of the tapestries of our lives. To top all of your masterful plans, you work the details out for our good because you love us. Lord, I thank you for your love. I thank you for choosing us to set us aside as your people. We have asked that you be over student and adult drama and physical conflict between boys and to be with us as we grow with character development.

I thank you for your living word sent in due time for this in Psalms 119: 133 through 134. “Establish my steps and direct them, O Lord, by your Word. Let not any iniquity have dominion over me. Deliver me from the oppression of man, so I will keep your precepts. Your precepts, Lord, the rules that regulate our behavior and our thought life for our good. Thank you, Lord, for seeing us in our need, knowing that we would be praying over our students and adults in education, and sending us the word that we may speak it in power and authority over principalities that plague this earth.

Thank you, Lord, for setting your precepts for our behavior and thoughts. You know we have strife in our lives from pride, greed, and jealousy. You know that when we hurt, we hurt others. You know we battle in our minds every day and we often sin and thoughtward indeed. While being omnipotent and omniscient, you blessed us with your grace, your perfect love. Your perfect and powerful Word. You set us on the path for Your righteousness, and You give us Your precepts for our good.” Lord, Heavenly Father, You are so good and I thank You.

I thank You because You are good, and You are holy, and You are just, and You are perfect and I thank You for loving us. I thank You for hearing us in our need. I thank You for equipping us with talents and precepts and tools and armor to walk in Your love in all seasons and in faith that You will answer our prayers according to Your will and to Your glory. We love you Lord and we bless your holy name and we honor you God of the Most High. Amen.

Prayer Of Supplication

Prayer of supplication. Lord, we call to you come quickly. Hear our voice when we call. May our prayer be set before you like incense. May the lifting up of our hands be like the evening sacrifice. Set a guard over our mouths, O Lord. Keep watch over the door of our lips. Let not our hearts be drawn to what is evil to take part in wicked deeds with men who are evildoers. Let us not eat of their delicacies. Let a righteous man strike us. It is a kindness. Let him rebuke us. It is oil on our heads.

Our heads will not refuse it. Lord, we’re intercessing tonight on behalf of all those children Lord, who are experiencing drama Lord. Friendships that are falling apart, children that are speaking evil against each other Lord. We’re intercessing on their behalf, Lord. We’re asking you to come between them, Lord. Guard the door of their lips, Lord God. Keep them from saying things that are hurtful, Lord, and that can lead to violence, Lord. Lord, we ask that you send godly mentors for those children, Lord.

We ask that teachers intervene, Lord, that they hear what’s going on and offer words of coaching, and love, and soften the hearts of children, Lord, to take the coaching to take the advice, Lord, to listen to the teachers, Lord, who are sent from you. Lord, we’re asking that before violence happens, Lord, that someone intercedes, that someone hears and knows. Prick the ears of Christian teachers, Lord. Help them to know what’s coming before it happens. Lord, we know that only you can transform the hearts of students, Lord.

We know that hurting students hurt others, Lord God. We’re asking for healing in those students whose words show that they’re hurting, Lord God. The students who only know how to instigate others, Lord, who want attention, who just want love, Lord. Send your helpers, Lord. We have students like that in our schools, Lord. Allow us to be the ones to intervene, Lord. We’re praying for that now, Lord God. Lord, we also pray for parents and students who need resources, Lord. We know that all good things come from you, Lord.

In your word, it says, “I say to myself, the Lord is my portion, therefore I will wait for him. The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him. It is good to quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord.” Lord, all things come from you and you have the perfect timing, the perfect thing for each of us. Lord, we ask that parents and children receive exactly what they need. Every family needs something, Lord God. Some of them need money Lord, some of them need food. Some of them need direction Lord.

Some of them need a church home, Lord. Some of them need help with transportation or childcare Lord or a job. You see into every home Lord, every family, every need Lord. We ask on their behalf, provide for their needs, Lord. Increase their faith in you Lord God. Everything good comes from you. We thank you in advance Lord, because we know that you’re always working. You are always providing. You are always moving. You are always giving. Lord, you are faithful and you say you will establish and guard us from the evil one.

Lord God, everything good comes from You. We thank You in advance Lord because we know that You are always working. You are always providing. You are always moving. You are always giving. Share on X

You give us strength, You uphold us, and You increase the power of the weak. Thank You, Lord Jesus. We also pray tonight, Lord, that many parents and children find a church home, Lord God. We know we can’t as teachers directly influence them to a church, Lord, but You can make way, Lord God. You can bring churches into schools, Lord to provide resources, Lord, to direct classes and extracurricular activities, Lord, to offer food, to encourage teachers, Lord. Through that, Lord, parents, and students can become involved in a church, Lord.

Teachers Who Pray | Spirit-Led Teaching
Spirit-Led Teaching: You give us strength, You uphold us, and You increase the power of the weak.


We’re asking for that tonight, Lord. There are so many ways that this can happen, Lord. Make a way, Lord. Connect schools with churches, Lord. Lord, we also pray for growth and accountability. Lord, there are so many demands on teachers and students, test scores and ways that they’re measured, Lord. Some of them are very unfair, Lord. We’re asking that students and teachers are measured, Lord, not by statistics, not by manipulated numbers, Lord, but let their growth be honest and true and not just worldly growth and academic learning, Lord but a measure of growth that brings them closer to you, O God.

Help us to see that in our schools, Lord. Help us to observe unity in love, Lord God. Peace, justice, Lord. Equity, Lord God. Help us to see these things, Lord God, and give you the glory for them in measurable ways, Lord. Lord, we thank You for all You’re doing, and all the ways that You’re moving, Lord. We trust you in all these things, Lord. We thank you that we can come to your throne and lift up our voices, lift up our supplications and you hear us, Lord God.

You say, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do, and greater works than these will he do because I am going to the Father, whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.” Lord, we’re asking tonight, hear our prayer. It’s in you we pray, Lord Jesus, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, amen.

Thank you for praying along with us. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Jesus Christ came to save the world, reconcile humanity, put into the right relationship all that he created, and establish his kingdom of righteousness, peace, and justice here on earth as it is in heaven. He accomplished this through his birth, life, crucifixion, and resurrection. Salvation is a gift from God that is available to all who confess with their mouth and believe in their heart that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior.

Do you believe it? Have you declared that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He died and rose from the dead? If you are a Christian educator, please consider starting a Teachers Who Pray prayer chapter in your school. For more information, please go to TeachersWhoPray.org. I close our prayer time with this benediction from Numbers 6 verses 22 to 26. “The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turns his face toward you and gives you peace.


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